Inspiring stories

Stories about people and situations we helped.

Kayla dances with joy

With the help of a scholarship from DSRGWM

The DSRG was able to fully fund Kayla’s entire year of dance each year.

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Scholarships fulfill dreams

DSRG Scholarship helps Jeanette expand her world through Music

The Scholarships that DSRGWM provide for the DS Community is such a generous, wonderful service.

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Noah's Story

Down syndrome is only a tiny part of who he is.

When I was 19 weeks pregnant my husband and I found out that our baby had a heart defect. This was also the day that we found out that our baby was a boy. Such amazing and wonderful news followed by the scariest news a parent can hear.

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Michael's Story

We knew he was ours

When our son Michael was born in October of 2007, we did not know he had Down syndrome. DSRG offered so much acceptance, so much help and information, and with all that came so many reasons to think that Michael was going to be ok.

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